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Umunthu uses the arts to catalyse reflection and discussion, providing a platform to address issues of stigma and discrimination through the lens of “umunthu,” a pan-African philosophical concept of humanity

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Gender Justice

For us, the term “gender justice” best signifies our intersectional approach that centers on the diverse needs, experiences, and leadership of people most impacted by discrimination and oppression. This approach helps achieve both equity (equal distribution of resources, access, and opportunities) and equality (equal outcomes for all).

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Youth & Community Engagement

Youth leadership programme provides youth with training, mentorship and seed funding to develop innovative projects that creatively address pressing social issues. Engages communities for mindset change using the arts.

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Climate Justice

Our work on climate justice is built on the understanding that, “The impacts of climate change will not be borne equally or fairly, between rich and poor, women and men, and older and younger generations.” Climate change is not only an issue of environmental conservation, but also an issue of justice and human rights.

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At ArtGlo, we harness the power of the arts to nurture creative leadership, and ignite bold conversations and actions.


We envision a world where communities are healthy, open, and active, and people are free to be who they are.



Believes in a universal bond that connects all humanity, I am because we are.




Transformative Arts

We believe in the transformative power of the arts to foster possibilities, learning, and action within people and communities.


Believes that society develops through the creativity of its members.





We believe that health is multidimensional and that everyone is entitled to live a healthy and fulfilling life.


Believes in the valence of collaboration to broaden perspectives and approaches and to encourage critical thinking and innovation.


Believes in being accountable and utilizing our resources to punch above our weight.

Explore Recent Projects

ArtGlo is currently implementing the following projects within our thematic areas:


Umunthu Inclusive Society

Unicef Child Protection Campaign

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