Changing Hearts and Minds Symposium exposes gaps in human rights activism

ArtGlo through its Social Inclusion and Diversity (SID) programme organized a two-day symposium at Boadzulu Lakeshore resort in Mangochi to understand the gaps and challenges that minority groups in the country face. Participants were drawn from various sectors which include Human rights advocates, Police, Magistrates, Journalists from different local media houses, CSO leaders, and religious leaders among others.

“This is powerful, it has the potential to shape LGBTQI advocacy in Malawi, it is timely and first of its kind,” expressed one of the participants representing the Nyasa Rainbow Alliance (NRA).

We utilized this platform to disseminate research findings on the impact of constitutional court cases on the LGBTQI community in Malawi, ignite conversations on balanced reporting of LGBTQI cases by the media, and build allies in the struggle for equal rights. A documentary on the challenges being faced by this marginalized group was also screened and participants gave positive feedback on the issues that were raised in the documentary.

The symposium is happening at a time when marginalized groups are facing several human rights violations and after the constitutional court gave its ruling on the review of the constitutionality of section 153. 

With support from the Southern Africa Litigation Center (SALC), ArtGlo conducted an impact assessment of the constitutional court case on the lives of the LGBTIQ community members and human rights defenders. Compelling stories were visually documented for a documentary which has also sparked dialogue at national and regional conferences.

We strongly believe that this is the beginning of greater things that we hope to achieve together as we continue pushing the inclusion agenda in Malawi and ensuring everyone enjoys their human rights regardless of their sexual orientation.

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