Strengthening Stakeholder Collaboration to Protect Children

In Malawi, various organizations are tasked with safeguarding children in different communities, but their efforts have often been hindered by a lack of collaboration. This changed when ArtGlo, with the support from UNICEF, initiated child protection campaigns, which has significantly improved cooperation among stakeholders, leading to remarkable progress in the fight against child abuse.

Suzgika Nyirenda, a child protection worker in Traditional Area (TA) Tsabango, recalls the struggles before ArtGlo’s involvement. “We faced many challenges, especially when it came to working together as stakeholders. Our lack of coordination limited our success in protecting children,” she explains. But through ArtGlo’s activities, these gaps have been filled, and collaboration has been greatly strengthened. As a result, Nyirenda and her colleagues have successfully addressed over 100 cases out of the 245 child rights violations reported between January to June 2024.

One of the most notable achievements of this collaboration was a recent intervention that saved a young girl from an illegal child marriage. “Everything was set, the church was ready, the villagers had prepared food, and all arrangements for the wedding were finalized,” Nyirenda recalls. However, thanks to the united efforts of local authorities, including the police, healthcare workers, social welfare personnel, and chiefs, the wedding was called off. The girl, who was on the brink of a grim future, was rescued and given a second chance at life, proving how crucial this partnership has become.

While the program has made significant strides, Nyirenda emphasizes that challenges remain. “There’s a gap in what happens after a child is rescued. These children need resources to support their education and basic survival,” she stresses. She also highlights the role of parents and guardians, noting that they bear a critical responsibility in ensuring their children enjoy their full rights.

Even though the ArtGlo program has ended, its impact is still felt across the community. Nyirenda proudly points out that stakeholders continue to work together, building on the foundation laid by ArtGlo’s Child Protection initiative. The spirit of collaboration, once a major challenge, now fuels their ongoing efforts to protect the most vulnerable children, proving that lasting change is possible when people come together for a common cause.

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